This is my resume. A detail of resume in a PDF version can be downloaded by clicking the PDF icon.
General Information
Full Name | Muhammad Labiyb Afakh | | |
Languages | Indonesian, English, Japanese(Beginner) |
2021 Sept - now PhD Student
Tokyo Metropolitan University - Supervised by Professor Naoyuki Takesue.
2019 - 2021 Master of Engineering
Tokyo Metropolitan University - Supervised by Professor Naoyuki Takesue.
- Relevant Courses
- Robotic System Design, Intelligent Robot, Ubiquitous Robotics.
2014 - 2018 Bachlor of Computer Engineering
Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya - Relevant Courses
- Embedded System, Robot System Control, Computer Vision, Intelligent System, Robotic and Automation, and Real Time Operating System.
- Relevant Courses
Professional Experiences
2024 Apr - now Robotics Engineer(Part-time)
QibiTech, Inc. - Developing ROS2 packages for manipulator including hardware interface (using position, velocity and effort controllers), actions and test.
- Developing robot description (URDF), visualization, and simulation on pybullet/gazebo.
- Improve the system integration between Kachaka AMR and HATS.
- Investigate the manipulability of a mobile manipulator robot using a Gazebo simulation.
2022 - 2024 Research and Development Engineer (Part-Time)
Shanghai Micro Ears Ingeniousness Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd - Design and manufacture some components of the robot.
- Build the software for the embedded system.
- Build and optimize serial communication and vizualise the data on GUI in 200Hz sampling.
- Develop and integrate system with manipulator robot (myCobot 320).
2018 - 2019 Freelance Robotics and Embedded System Engineer
- Built an embedded system for solar tracker to move the solar panel by given position that sent from base-station.
- Built a small-device for weighting system for gas company.
- Built embedded system system for pull and press machine including monitoring of the pressure.
Technical Skills
- CAD, CAM, EDA, C, C++, Python(PyTorch), Rust, ROS1/ROS2, CI (Github Actions)
- Indonesian, English
Academic Experiences
2023 Apr - 2024 Sept AR Research Fellow
Tokyo Metropolitan University - In the previous, it was FS-SPRING, but the program is changed to Arena Reframing Research Fellow.
2021 - 2023 Research Assistant (Part-Time)
Tokyo Metropolitan University
Honors and Awards
2016 - Second Runner Up of ABU Robocon 2016.
- Winner of ABU Robocon of Indonesian.
2019 - Runner Up Toilet Cleaning Robot Category, World Robot Summit FSCS Trial Competition
2023 - Second Runner-up Customer Interaction Task Category, World Robot Summit FCSC @IFAC