World Robot Summit 2023 @IFAC
This project aims to handle some problems that can happen at the convenience store such as a large queue size and object returned to its shelf. This project is a part of WRS competition held during IFAC2023. A Seed R7 which is a service mobile robot platform is used to handle the tasks. In our system, we were trying to offer self-payment and returning the cancelled products. A kinect camera is mounted to estimate the grasping position and type of the object that will be returned to its shelf. To monitor the queue, another camera is also placed on the environment. A lidar is also mounted to the robot for simultaneous localization and mapping(SLAM). It is used for robot to navigate to the desired position and avoid the obstacle. The data distribution is handled by using ROS
This project’s repository is here
- Lead programmer team.
- Integrate several sub-system to perform autonomous task.
- Debug and optimize robot performance.
Skills: Python, ROS, PyTorch, Git.